GVM Upgrade for Landcruiser 76 Series

If you own a Toyota Landcruiser 76 Series and frequently transport heavy loads, upgrading your vehicle can significantly improve its strength and towing capacity.

Whether you’re gearing up for an off-road adventure or using your Landcruiser for daily work, it’s essential to ensure it can safely manage the extra load for optimal road performance.

All vehicles on the road in Australia have an official Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) rating and Payload capacity, which specify the maximum weight they can safely carry, including passengers and cargo in both the cabin and tray bed. The GVM rating represents the maximum allowable weight (in kilograms) determined by the manufacturer, ensuring the vehicle remains within legal limits at full capacity.

Our GVM upgrade enhances your Toyota Landcruiser’s payload capacity, enabling you to carry more load while remaining fully compliant with Federal Department of Infrastructure and Transport regulations, all while preventing potential vehicle damage or injury.

DAPCO Bunbury is licensed as a 2nd stage manufacturer, meaning we can legally increase the weight carrying capacity of eligible Toyota Landcruiser 76 Series.

You should consider a GVM upgrade for your Landcruiser 76 Series if you:

Our Landcruiser GVM Upgrades are:

A GVM upgrade boosts your Landcruiser 76 Series strength and towing capacity, allowing you to carry heavier loads safely within legal limits and prevent vehicle damage.

Contact DAPCO Bunbury today to for a quote to upgrade your Landcruiser 76 Series GVM.

Get A Quote for your Landcruiser GVM Upgrade.

GVM FAQs Understanding GVM Upgrades in Western Australia

What is Gross Vehicle Mass?

A Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) upgrade is an independently engineered and tested suspension solution which allows users to increase the payload of their vehicle from what the manufacturer originally designated. 

If you are carrying common items such as tools, tool boxes, cargo, bull bars, winches, towbars, extra fuel, passengers, recovery gear and tow ball load such as a boat, caravan or camper trailer you will be adding weight to your vehicle and decreasing the available payload. Every vehicle has an official legally allocated GVM which cannot be exceeded.

Do I need to upgrade my GVM?

Without upgrading your vehicles GVM you may be driving a vehicle that doesn’t meet safety regulations or legal requirements.

Get in touch with us

Bunbury Workshop Details

 128 Blair Street, Bunbury (Opposite Bunnings)  9792 1799

Bunbury Hours

Monday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed